Volunteering at Garaca
Successful operation of Garage Academy requires more than financial contributions. When parents and other community members participate in GA activities, their presence enriches the experience of students and staff alike.
We seek a commitment of time from all of our parents to ensure the success of all of our students.
Parent-driven Events and Activities
In addition to helping in the classroom or off-campus events, there are many school-wide activities that rely on parental involvement.
Working with School Development
Dedicated volunteers play a critical role in the success of Garaca’s fundraising. Parents can make a difference in several ways:
- Building fund
- Scholarships
Room Parents
Every K–5 classroom benefits from the help of volunteer Room Parents. In this role, parent volunteers support the class by helping with projects, recruiting field trip chaperones, and inviting families to share traditions, cultures, and celebrations. Room Parent sign ups take place each September and are run by the Parents’ Association.
Parents' Association and School Councils
Every GA parent is automatically a member of the Parents’ Association (PA), which promotes educational excellence by facilitating communication and cooperation among parents, administration, faculty, students, and the Garage Academy Board, and by helping to implement school activities. All are invited to attend PA meetings, which provide opportunities to connect with Garaca administrators or hear from an array of outside speakers.
Parents are encouraged to run for a position on the PA’s governing board or on one of the four School Councils, which coordinate division-specific activities.
The Admissions Office relies on parents to lead tours for prospective families, assist in recruiting by sharing their enthusiasm for Garaca, and help new families feel welcomed into and acclimated to life at Garage Academy.